Published On August 19, 2012 | By Richard Bruton | Best Cover EVER?Comics
In the sense of “it’s my party….” or maybe just because I can never make my mind up… here’s another one of my Best Comic Covers EVER?
There’s a reason I added  that question mark in – just so I get to pick again, and again, and again.
Here you go…. Steranko….. is this the Best Cover EVER?
Nick Fury – Agent Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #6. Marvel Comics, 1968. Cover art by Jim Steranko.
Why? It’s Steranko doing Nick Fury.
It’s incredible. It’s insane. It is absolutely, utterly beautiful. Nick Fury in front of a photo rough moon, an exploding earth, and wearing the coolest spacesuit you have ever seen – seriously… look at this detailing:
When Liefeld does over extravagant and pointless strapping it looks ridiculous. When Steranko does it …. absolute cool.
Since I was quite young, I’ve had a set of frames around whatever house I’ve been living in, and they’re perfectly sized to fit US comic book covers inside. Every few months I’ll swap them around, move some out, maybe put some new ones in.
There are only two exceptions to this rule. Two Nick Fury Steranko covers. And this is my favourite. Well, it is today. I do reserve the right to change my mind and tell you about the other one sometime.
And whilst on the whole brilliance of Steranko and that cover, whilst I was setting this up, Aw Yeah Comics posted this image by Tim Sale for Mike Allred’s Madman Atomic Comics #3 from 2007, a wonderful homage by Sale to Steranko (in a comic where almost every panel in a homage piece: